P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108

Future of Transit DRPT Study Results Virtual Town Hall- Nov. 16th at 6:30pm

Prince William County Democrats

Supervisor Angry and Boddye Virtual Town Hall - The Future of Transit

To View: Click Here

Join Supervisors Boddye (Occoquan) & Angry (Neabsco) as they invite panelists and community members to discuss the future of their districts’ shared transportation corridors. The panel includes representatives from the Department of Rail & Public Transportation (DRPT) and PWC’s Planning and Transportation departments, who will review findings from the year-long DRPT Springfield to Quantico Enhanced Public Transportation Feasibility Study.

DRPT evaluated Metrorail, VRE improvements, bus rapid transit (BRT), and express bus against five metrics:
Ridership potential, Congestion mitigation, Accessibility/connectivity,
Equity, and Cost-effectiveness.