P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108

Pro-Choice Virginia Legislative Rapid Response Team

Prince William County Democrats

Pro Choice Virginia Legislative Rapid Response Team

For More Details: Click Here

Join our Legislative Rapid Response Team!

We’re building political power for pro-choice Virginians and working to ensure every Virginian can make the personal reproductive decisions that are best for themselves and their family, without stigma or political interference. This includes preventing unintended pregnancy, having healthy pregnancies and births, and choosing safe, legal abortion. 
But we can’t do it without your help. Can we count on you? 

We distill all the complex, often-confusing political happenings during Virginia’s General Assembly Session into short, digestible action alerts straight to your inbox. As legislation moves through commitees, heads to to the floor, and as elected officals prepare to vote, we’ll send you an alert notifying you of what happened and what you can do in response. Every action alert includes a short ask and model language so you can be confident in taking action!  

As a member of our Legislative Rapid Response Team, you’ll effect change on a grassroots level and ensure reproductive freedom is a top priority for Virginia legislators!

Sign Up: Click Here