P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108

PWC Canvass Launch for Vindman for Congress VA – CD7

Prince William County Democrats

PWC Canvass Launch for Vindman for Congress VA CD7

Do Something & Get Out the Early Vote

for Eugene Vindman

Get involved and support Eugene Vindman, CD 7 on September 8th at 11:30 am at a Canvass Launch with Former Education Secretary Anne Holton, Delegate Brianna Sewell and Network NOVA BADASS Katherine White, in Woodbridge. RSVP

We are excited to have the support and attendance of Supervisors Andrea Bailey & Kenny Boddye, and School Board Chair Babur Lateef. Don’t miss their hot minutes. 🔥

This is certain to be a fun and worthwhile time with Network NOVA in the the house.

Eugene Vindman embodies the qualities we need in a leader: an unwavering commitment to public service, a champion for justice and integrity, and a dedication to serving Virginia families. He has consistently been a voice for the vulnerable and underserved, ensuring that everyone has a fair chance at success. With proven leadership in times of crisis, Eugene is prepared to stand up for our values and work tirelessly for the people of Virginia’s 7th District. Meet Eugene Vindman on his website.

This launch will stress the importance of getting out the early vote and drinking water without single use plastics.