Tenth Congressional District Democratic Committee Call To Virtual Reorganization Convention – 2022
February 19, 2022 @ 10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Call. Pursuant to the authority provided by the Virginia Democratic Party Plan, the Tenth Congressional District Democratic Committee (10CDDC) hereby calls a REORGANIZATION CONVENTION to include JURISDICTIONAL CAUCUSES to be held virtually via the Zoom application on Saturday, February 19, 2022, at 10:45 AM (Convention business will begin at 11:00 AM). (NOTE: Convention delegates will attend via Zoom; the link will be emailed to all those who prefile. Prefiling is required to attend the Virtual Convention as a Delegate/Participant. Members of the public wishing to observe may do so via Facebook Live on our Facebook webpage: https://www.facebook.com/10cdvadems/)
Incorporated Documents. All appropriate provisions of the Virginia Democratic Party Plan (“State Party Plan”), as amended, and the Guidelines issued by the Democratic Party of Virginia (Guidelines) and confirmed on December 4, 2021, are incorporated into this Call by reference and made a part hereof.
Purposes. The primary purposes of the Reorganization Convention shall be to elect 20 members to the 10CDDC for a four-year term. These 20 members shall also be members of the Democratic State Central Committee for the same four-year term.
Process Considering Ongoing Public Health Emergency. As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, it is not possible for the 10th Congressional District Committee to hold its reorganization process in person. The Committee is therefore opting to hold this process virtually in the same way that it held the 2020 Convention to Elect Delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
Organization of the District Convention. Once the Convention is called to order, the Convention will convene via Zoom and elect members to the District and State Central Committees as set forth below.
Prefiling and Deadline. All Democrats who are registered voters within the district and who have prefiled may attend their applicable Jurisdiction Caucus and the District Convention. The Convention Delegates/Participants must prefile and sign the Declaration Form by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 11, 2022. The Delegate/Participant prefiling form is attached to this Call and is also available from the Reorg Chair, Shelley Tamres, by request. The prefiling form should be filled out and submitted via email to shelley@10thcdvadems.us. If you wish to print and mail the prefiling form, send it to 10CDDC c/o Shelley Tamres, 108 Willow Pl, Sterling, VA 20164. Remember that it must be received (not postmarked) by the deadline.
Delegate Allocation. The 10th Congressional District Convention does not have a cap on the number of Delegates who can participate. Accordingly, locality caucuses to elect Delegates are unnecessary and will not be held, and all qualified persons who file to be Delegates by the filing deadline will be seated as Delegates.
Zoom Details. All Delegates/Participants will sign-in to the Zoom waiting room between 10:00 AM and 10:45 AM and have their names checked against the prefiled list for their jurisdiction in order to be admitted to the meeting. All Delegates/Participants must be in the waiting room by 10:45 AM in order to participate in the Convention. If you are not signed into the waiting room by 10:45 AM you will not be admitted.
Convention Process. The convention will begin at 11:00 AM. Following initial convention business, Delegates will vote to elect the members from their respective localities through the Democratic Party of Virginia’s online voting system. The credentials for voting will be provided by the Democratic Party of Virginia through email prior to the start of the Convention.
Voting Procedure. Voting will take place from 12:00 Noon until 3:00 PM on Saturday, February 19th. Democratic Party of Virginia Staff will work to facilitate voting electronically. Participants will be sent a unique identification number that they will need to enter for their ballot to be counted. Ballots with an incorrect number entered will not be accepted.
Participation and Outreach. Participation in the Tenth District Democratic process to select representatives to the State Democratic Central Committee and the 10CDDC is open to all registered voters in the Tenth Congressional District who wish to participate as Democrats. All meetings shall be open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of sex, race, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic identity, or disability. We endeavor to represent all Democrats within the Tenth District and to host a Convention which fully reflects the diversity of our District at all levels of participation from Convention Delegates to Committee Member Candidates.
Declaration. All persons participating in the Reorganization Convention shall sign a Declaration form, which includes an affirmation that the person is a resident of, and registered to vote in, the Tenth Congressional District; does not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to the Democratic nominee in the next ensuing general election; is a Democrat; is not a member of any other political party; and will not participate in the nominating process of any other political party for the 2022 general election.
District Rules and Committees. The District Convention shall be governed by the rules developed by the Temporary Rules Committee. The 10th District Democratic Committee shall appoint the members of the Committees on Credentials and Rules. The Congressional District Credentials Committee shall work with the CD Committee members and DPVA staff to finalize the delegate roster for the Congressional District Convention.
Voluntary Administrative Filing Fee. There will be a voluntary Convention fee of $10.00 for each District Convention Delegate. No person shall be denied the right to participate in the delegate selection process due to nonpayment of the voluntary administrative fee. Administrative fees may be paid online at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2022-cd10-reorg-delegate. If you wish to pay by check, please make payable to 10th Congressional District Democratic Committee and mail to: 10CDDC c/o Matthew Leslie, 608 Glenmeade Cir, Purcellville, VA 20132.
Election of Members of the State Central Committee.
Election. The Delegates from each jurisdiction will elect their respective members to Democratic State Central Committee from the Congressional District. The number of members from each jurisdiction are listed below:
Jurisdiction Name
# of Members
Fairfax (parts)
1 member of any gender
2 members – see section 9.c. below
11 members – see section 9.c. below
Manassas/Manassas Park
1 member of any gender
Prince William
4 members – see section 9.c. below
1 member of any gender
Gender Balance. The State Party Plan requires Congressional District Committees to maintain gender balance. In August of 2018, the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee adopted language to facilitate the inclusion of individuals who identify as Gender Non-Binary, meaning they do not self-identify as either female or male.
Gender Balance by Locality. To ensure the Committee Members are equally divided between women and men (determined by gender self-identification), the members from each jurisdiction with more than one member will also be gender balanced. The gender of the first binary candidate nominated in each jurisdiction will be designated. At the time of nomination of Committee Members in the jurisdiction, the binary gender advantage will alternate as Committee Members positions are filled, and the alternation shall continue in order of vote-getting. In the case of gender expansive individuals, they shall not be counted in either the female or male category.
Filing. Candidates for positions on the 10CDDC and State Central Committee must file for the election that will take place at this Convention. Committee Member Candidates must file with the 10CDDC Reorg Chair, Shelley Tamres, by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 11, 2022. The filing form is attached to this Call and is also available from the Reorg Chair by request. We are requesting a voluntary prefiling fee of $25. Only those individuals properly filed in a timely manner shall appear on the ballot. No write in candidates or floor nominations shall be accepted.
Slates. Any Committee Member Candidates may form a slate and have the slate be listed on the ballot.
Filing Deadlines and Locations. The candidate filing form and any slate filing form must be received by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 11, 2022. The filing form should be filled out and submitted via email to shelley@10thcdvadems.us. If you wish to print and mail the filing form, send it to 10CDDC c/o Shelley Tamres, 108 Willow Pl, Sterling, VA 20164. If you rely on mail for the filing form, remember that it must be received (not postmarked) by the deadline. The requested voluntary filing fee may be paid at [ACTBLUE LINK TK]
Adopted by the Tenth Congressional District Democratic Committee on January ??, 2022.