P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108


Flip Coles Blue with Idris O’Connor

You're invited to a Fundraising Event at 6pm on the evening of September 30th to join our Northern Virginia neighbors and local Labor community in supporting Idris O'Connor and his campaign for Coles District Supervisor in Prince William County. The Coles District is one of the last remaining seats in Northern Virginia held by a…
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Deshundra Jefferson and Justin Wilk Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Prince William County Potomac District Democratic Committee invites you to a fundraiser this Sunday, 10/1 in support of Elect Deshundra & Justin Wilk! Featuring special guest Andrea Bailey for PWC Potomac District Supervisor and hosted by Delegate Elizabeth Guzman RSVP + Donations: https://www.princewilliamdemocrats.com/events/potomac-celebrating-hispanic-heritage-month/

PWC School Board Meeting – Special Meeting

Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center 14715 Bristow Rd., Manassas, VA, United States

Information And Links Regular School Board meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month during the school year. Meetings are open to the public and begin at 7 p.m. at the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center, 14715 Bristow Rd., Manassas, VA 20112. Board members and staff have dinner at 5 p.m.…
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PWC School Board Meeting

Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center 14715 Bristow Rd., Manassas, VA, United States

Information And Links Regular School Board meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month during the school year. Meetings are open to the public and begin at 7 p.m. at the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center, 14715 Bristow Rd., Manassas, VA 20112. Board members and staff have dinner at 5 p.m.…
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Latino Day of Action with Team Nembhard

Join Travis Nembhard as we celebrate the end of Latin Heritage Month and kick off a canvass in your neighborhood! We will be joined by Delegate Alfonso López, Delegate Elizabeth Guzmán, and Councilwoman Sonia Vásquez Luna. Travis will advocate for every single member of his electorate in Richmond and he needs your help to get…
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PWC Dems Autumn Breeze

Come and join us for our Autumn Breeze Fundraiser Monday, October 9th from 4-8pm in Haymarket! Featuring special guest Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney This fundraiser helps cover the cost of printing Democratic sample ballots to hand out at Early Voting & on Election Day! Regular admission $45, Young Dems ticket $30: https://www.princewilliamdemocrats.com/events/autumn-breeze/