P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108


Get Out the Vote! Phonebank for Candi King for Delegate

Runs through Election Day on January 5th.With so much going on, we have to let HD2 voters know that we have to show out for a powerful advocate like Candi and keep our majority in the House. Sign up for a GOTV shift h Click Here To Sign Up

Get Out the Vote! Phonebank for Candi King for Delegate

Runs through Election Day on January 5th.With so much going on, we have to let HD2 voters know that we have to show out for a powerful advocate like Candi and keep our majority in the House. Sign up for a GOTV shift Click Here To Sign Up

Get Out the Vote! Phonebank for Candi King for Delegate

Runs through Election Day on January 5th.With so much going on, we have to let HD2 voters know that we have to show out for a powerful advocate like Candi and keep our majority in the House. Sign up for a GOTV shift Click Here To Sign Up

Get Out the Vote! Phonebank for Candi King for Delegate

Runs through Election Day on January 5th.With so much going on, we have to let HD2 voters know that we have to show out for a powerful advocate like Candi and keep our majority in the House. Sign up for a GOTV shift Click Here To Sign Up

Idris O’Connor for Virginia’s Campaign Kickoff!

Please join us as we officially kickoff our campaign for the House of Delegates in Virginia's 31st District. To purchase your ticket, visit the link below:https://secure.actblue.com/donate/idrisforvakickoff We are very excited to have former delegate and current Gubernatorial candidate Jennifer Carroll Foy joining us as our special guest!We can't wait to share Idris' vision for the…
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Celebrate Tu B’Shevat And Plant A Tree

Join Team Pitek at Minnieville Elementary at 10:00am this Saturday, January 30 to plant a tree to celebrate Tu B'Shevat!Purchase your ticket here: www.actblue.com/donate/plantatree ***Please wear a mask and practice social distancing***